Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs), such as social gathering restrictions, have shown effectiveness to slow the transmission of COVID-19 by reducing the contact of people. To support policy-makers, multiple studies have first modeled human mobility via macro indicators (e.g., average daily travel distance) and then studied the effectiveness of NPIs. In this work, we focus on mobility modeling and, from a micro perspective, aim to predict locations that will be visited by COVID-19 cases. Since NPIs generally cause economic and societal loss, such a micro perspective prediction benefits governments when they design and evaluate them. However, in real-world situations, strict privacy data protection regulations result in severe data sparsity problems (i.e., limited case and location information). To address these challenges, we formulate the micro perspective mobility modeling into computing the relevance score between a diffusion and a location, conditional on a geometric graph. we propose a model named Deep Graph Diffusion Infomax (DGDI), which jointly models variables including a geometric graph, a set of diffusions and a set of locations.To facilitate the research of COVID-19 prediction, we present two benchmarks that contain geometric graphs and location histories of COVID-19 cases. Extensive experiments on the two benchmarks show that DGDI significantly outperforms other competing methods.
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最近,基于云的图形卷积网络(GCN)在许多对隐私敏感的应用程序(例如个人医疗保健和金融系统)中表现出了巨大的成功和潜力。尽管在云上具有很高的推理准确性和性能,但在GCN推理中保持数据隐私,这对于这些实际应用至关重要,但仍未得到探索。在本文中,我们对此进行了初步尝试,并开发了$ \ textit {cryptogcn} $ - 基于GCN推理框架的同型加密(HE)。我们方法成功的关键是减少HE操作的巨大计算开销,这可能比明文空间中的同行高的数量级。为此,我们开发了一种方法,可以有效利用GCN推断中基质操作的稀疏性,从而大大减少计算开销。具体而言,我们提出了一种新型的AMA数据格式方法和相关的空间卷积方法,该方法可以利用复杂的图结构并在HE计算中执行有效的矩阵矩阵乘法,从而大大减少HE操作。我们还开发了一个合作式框架,该框架可以通过明智的修剪和GCN中激活模块的多项式近似来探索准确性,安全级别和计算开销之间的交易折扣。基于NTU-Xview骨架关节数据集,即,据我们所知,最大的数据集对同型的评估,我们的实验结果表明,$ \ textit {cryptogcn} $均优胜于最先进的解决方案。同构操作的延迟和数量,即在延迟上达到3.10 $ \ times $加速,并将总代态操作数量减少77.4 \%,而准确度的较小精度损失为1-1.5 $ \%$。
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深度学习(DL)的快速增长和部署目睹了新兴的隐私和安全问题。为了减轻这些问题,已经讨论了安全的多方计算(MPC),以实现隐私保护DL计算。在实践中,它们通常是在很高的计算和沟通开销中,并有可能禁止其在大规模系统中的受欢迎程度。两种正交研究趋势吸引了人们对安全深度学习的能源效率的巨大兴趣,即MPC比较方案的高架降低和硬件加速度。但是,他们要么达到较低的减少比率,因此由于计算和通信节省有限而遭受了高潜伏期,或者是渴望的,因为现有的作品主要集中在CPU和GPU等一般计算平台上。在这项工作中,作为第一次尝试,我们通过将加密构件构建块的硬件延迟整合到DNN损耗功能中,以实现高能量效率,开发了一个系统的polympcnet,以减少MPC比较协议和硬件加速的联合额外降低的系统框架Polympcnet。和安全保证。我们的关键设计原理不是在DNN进行良好训练之后(通过删除或删除某些非物质操作员)训练(通过删除或删除某些非物质操作员)之后检查模型敏感性,而是要准确地执行DNN设计中的假设 - 培训DNN既是DNN都硬件有效且安全,同时逃脱了当地的最小值和鞍点并保持高精度。更具体地说,我们提出了通过多项式激活初始化方法直接提出的加密硬件友好的可训练多项式激活功能,以替代昂贵的2P-RELU操作员。我们开发了一个密码硬件调度程序和现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)平台的相应性能模型。
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对机器学习模型的会员推理攻击(MIA)可能会导致模型培训中使用的培训数据集的严重隐私风险。在本文中,我们提出了一种针对成员推理攻击(MIAS)的新颖有效的神经元引导的防御方法。我们确定了针对MIA的现有防御机制的关键弱点,在该机制中,他们不能同时防御两个常用的基于神经网络的MIA,表明应分别评估这两次攻击以确保防御效果。我们提出了Neuguard,这是一种新的防御方法,可以通过对象共同控制输出和内部神经元的激活,以指导训练集的模型输出和测试集的模型输出以具有近距离分布。 Neuguard由类别的差异最小化靶向限制最终输出神经元和层平衡输出控制的目标,旨在限制每一层中的内部神经元。我们评估Neuguard,并将其与最新的防御能力与两个基于神经网络的MIA,五个最强的基于度量的MIA,包括三个基准数据集中的新提出的仅标签MIA。结果表明,Neuguard通过提供大大改善的公用事业权衡权衡,一般性和间接费用来优于最先进的防御能力。
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We have a Christmas gift for Harry Potter fans all over the world. In this paper, we present Harry Potter Dialogue (HPD), a dataset that helps train Harry Potter-like dialogue agents. Such a task is typically viewed as a variant of personalized dialogue agents, but they differ significantly in three respects: 1) Harry lived in a virtual world of wizards, thus, real-world commonsense may not apply to Harry's conversations; 2) Harry's behavior is strongly linked to background information in conversations: the scene, its attributes and its relationship to other speakers; and 3) Such backgrounds are dynamically altered as the storyline goes on. The HPD dataset, as the first dataset to facilitate the study of dialogue agent construction for characters within a story, provides rich contextual information about each dialogue session such as scenes, character attributes, and relations. More importantly, all the background information will change over the course of the story. In addition, HPD could support both dialogue generation and retrieval tasks. We evaluate baselines such as Dialog-GPT and BOB to determine the extent to which they can generate Harry Potter-like responses. The experimental results disappoint us in that although the generated responses are fluent, they still seem out of character for Harry. Besides, we validate the current most robust dialogue agent, ChatGPT, which also can't generate plausible Harry-Potter-like responses in some cases, either. Our results suggest that there is much scope for future research.
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Code pre-trained models (CodePTMs) have recently demonstrated significant success in code intelligence. To interpret these models, some probing methods have been applied. However, these methods fail to consider the inherent characteristics of codes. In this paper, to address the problem, we propose a novel probing method CAT-probing to quantitatively interpret how CodePTMs attend code structure. We first denoise the input code sequences based on the token types pre-defined by the compilers to filter those tokens whose attention scores are too small. After that, we define a new metric CAT-score to measure the commonality between the token-level attention scores generated in CodePTMs and the pair-wise distances between corresponding AST nodes. The higher the CAT-score, the stronger the ability of CodePTMs to capture code structure. We conduct extensive experiments to integrate CAT-probing with representative CodePTMs for different programming languages. Experimental results show the effectiveness of CAT-probing in CodePTM interpretation. Our codes and data are publicly available at
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最近,在机器阅读理解(MRC)中广泛研究了注意力增强的多层编码器,例如变压器。为了预测答案,通常使用预测因子仅从最终编码层中汲取信息,该层生成源序列的粗粒表示,即段落和问题。分析表明,随着编码层的增加,源序列的表示会变得更粗糙。人们普遍认为,随着深度神经网络中越来越多的层数,编码过程将越来越多地为每个位置收集相关信息,从而导致更粗糙的表示形式,这增加了与其他位置相似的可能性(指均质性) 。这种现象会误导该模型做出错误的判断并降低表现。在本文中,我们认为,如果预测指标可以利用编码器不同粒度的表示形式,从而提供了源序列的不同视图,从而使模型的表达能力可以充分利用,那将是更好的。为此,我们提出了一种新型方法,称为自适应双向注意封闭网络(ABA-NET),该方法可自适应地利用不同级别的源代表向预测指标。此外,由于更好的表示是提高MRC性能的核心,因此胶囊网络和自我发项模块被仔细设计为我们编码器的构建块,该模块分别提供了探索本地和全球表示的能力。在三个基准数据集(即小队1.0,Squad 2.0和COQA)上进行的实验结果证明了我们方法的有效性。特别是,我们在小队1.0数据集上设置了新的最新性能
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